One award-winning plugin, unlimited optimized images.

Smush Pro

Experience faster load times and better Google PageSpeed score with the best image optimization from Smush Pro 

Smush Pro Features

Improve your Google PageSpeed score with the ultimate image optimization for all your website images.

Half File Size

Smush Pro reduces files to half their size without quality loss.

Unlimited Images

Keep the images coming and Smush Pro keeps on smushing.


Smush Pro automatically converts PNG files into JPEG if the file size is smaller and lossless.

Large-sized Images

No matter the file size, Smush Pro can handle them all.

Lazy Loading

On-demand loading of images and animation for improved speed.


Create the perfect fit for images by Google recommendation.

Backup Originals

You have the option to backup your original images.

Smush Pro CDN

Your website loads faster with 45 locations on the CDN and increases your rank.

WebP Support

As an alternative to Smush Pro CDN you can also use the Local WebP feature.

Experience the power of Smush Pro, Start creating your free website!

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